

Main role
AI & UI Programmer 

12/2020 - 04/2022


Immerse yourself in the thrilling action of a 3D space shooter crafted with precision on our custom game engine, powered by OpenGL technology. Engage in adrenaline-pumping battles as you navigate through dynamic environments teeming with hostile enemies and formidable bosses. Experience the challenge of combat against intelligent adversaries, courtesy of our custom AI algorithms tailored specifically for enemies and bosses. With stunning visuals, seamless gameplay, and immersive sound design, this space shooter delivers an electrifying gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

In my role on the development team for our 3D space shooter, I played a pivotal role in crafting an electrifying gaming experience. Leveraging my expertise in OpenGL, 

- I spearheaded the implementation of the game's graphics engine, ensuring smooth rendering and immersive visuals

- Additionally, I developed custom AI algorithms for both enemies and bosses, tailored specifically to fit the lore of the game and provide players with challenging and dynamic combat encounters.

- Furthermore, I laid the groundwork for rendering 3D objects by coding the 2D object class, which formed the foundation for the game's intricate scenes and environments. Through these contributions, I not only enhanced the game's technical capabilities but also elevated its overall quality, delivering an adrenaline-pumping experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats.

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