Slime it Away

Slime it Away

Main role


Slime it Away

Slime It Away is more than just a simple game—it's a powerful tool for environmental awareness. Players are tasked with cleaning up polluted landscapes overrun by slime and waste in this 2D garbage collecting adventure. With straightforward gameplay mechanics and vibrant visuals, the game educates players about the importance of environmental conservation. What's remarkable about Slime It Away is its inclusivity; designed with color-blind players in mind, it ensures that everyone can enjoy the experience and join the fight against environmental degradation.

In my role as a developer for "Slime It Away," I introduced key enhancements that significantly enriched the gameplay experience.

- Firstly, I implemented color-blind settings, ensuring accessibility for all players and fostering inclusivity within the gaming community. 

- Additionally, I crafted a progressive difficulty system, dynamically adjusting the challenge level as players advance through the game, providing a more engaging and rewarding experience. 

- Furthermore, I contributed custom-made art assets, infusing the game with vibrant visuals that enhance immersion and convey the message of environmental conservation effectively. Through these additions, I not only improved the game's accessibility and visual appeal but also heightened its overall impact as a powerful tool for raising awareness about environmental issues.

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